Monday, April 2, 2012

If I Knew Then What I Know Now...

As I prepare to lead class discussion on the subject of Girls' Studies and how this genre can be seen through a feminist lens I try and reflect on who I was as a "girl" and "young woman" and now "whatever I am" and that's where I have a problem. I don't identify with what my mental image of a "woman" is. I am not my mother. I am not a "business woman" (this is an image of woman that I somehow equate to womanhood). I am (and it's funny to say) a Womyn. For some reason altering the spelling opens a space for me. I define myself as a girl; a girl person; a person who is a girl. Not an adolescent, not as a kid, or a child; something different.

Any way, I ran across this today on Facebook and felt that even though I don't identify as a "woman" I can identify with the fact that I know these things now, and I wish I had had a "Womyn" figure put this so plainly for me:

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