Monday, March 19, 2012

Musings of the past little while

Okay, I haven't posted in a while, but that doesn't mean I haven't been thinking about it.

In class we've been reading about Multicultural Feminism, Postcolonial Feminism, and Indigenous Feminism, along with discussing and watching films to support and augment these ideas. I feel that these groupings/categories of feminisms can generally fall under another category, that of Third Wave Feminism(s) [I add the s/plural here to acknowledge the MANY types that can fall under this one umbrella], which is the crux of my problem. With all of these categories and subgroups and genres of Feminism it's no wonder people are confused about what Feminism is! They overlap, are related, can be traced back to, and connect with how women (mainly) view themselves. I've been wondering that if we are  working in a Third Wave framework, which is one of inclusion and respect for all, then wouldn't the genres of feminism be better related to our positionalities as individuals, rather than the individual trying to position oneself within the pre-designated genre? I'm not sure making the distinction is necessary, but at this moment I feel more inclined to talk about how my background and experiences help form my connections with different feminisms rather than saying "I'm this."

I ran across this about a year ago, it keeps surfacing in my thoughts:


I'm not sure what I need to do with it yet, it's still percolating...

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