Tuesday, January 24, 2012

YouTubing Resarch

In class on Monday we started watching Iron Jawed Angels, which is about Women's Suffrage Movement that led up to women's right to vote in the U.S. in 1920. I thought this film (done through HBO) was fantastic. The level of detail into the characters' passion, desire, and need for something that I take for granted made me rethink my position and evaluate what I have as a woman in the U.S and globally as well as if there is any one thing like the right to vote that I feel is an issue that I could fight for. After thinking on this for some time, and I realize that I need to mull this over more, I believe that I might feel an issue of my time that is a concern of Feminists (or should be), is the equal and equitable rights of all partnered relationships no matter their gendered makeup. This includes rights and access to equal benefits for partners, children, and families. I can see myself fighting for this. I also have been thinking a lot about states who are passing anti immigration and eradicating cultural studies programs. This form of marginalization/assimilation is a terrible injustice, and one I feel must be stopped and reversed. 

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